Monday, May 31, 2010

Gabriel being funny

During an activity :

M : What else has the same shape?
G : Daddy's wheel!
M : Right!
G : This container cover!!
M : Correct!
G : The clock!!
M : Yes! What else?
G : Daddy's watch, my bicycle wheel..
your HEAD!!!
M : hmmmmm... My head is not round..
G : It is!!

Daddy just had to blog this whilst laughing!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Poor thing!

Rafa on a Polaroid Snap. Methinks he's being fussy today cos
something new is sprouting through his gums.

Here's Looking At You!

Rafa finds himself in a mirror and smiles back!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Reasons to buy a new camera

Daddy has been thinking of getting a new camera and these are some reasons why...
Only with the flash, the picture is sharp..

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Laundry Day!

Rafa helps out with the laundry.. Well, sorta...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Love to Drive

Future F1 driver!

Sent by nüvifone

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's another wonderful day!

Hello world!

It's a wonderful day to be alive! The sun is out, the birds are
singing, The Gadget Boys have been up since 6.30am! Yes, 6.30am!

Now, we all could do with more sleep, right?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mummy!

I'm not tired!

Here's the usual story....

G : I'm not tired! I don't need to nap! I don't want to sleep!

Mummy : Shhh-hhh.. DiDi is trying to sleep...

G is all quiet....

Gabriel Time

Gabriel gets a load of things done on Saturdays.
They aren't usually typical, but here's how today's went.
Morning, after jumping out of bed at 6plus and waking all of us up, getting a huge scolding for being angry for no reason, we all decided to go for breakfast. He went for breakfast with Gong Gong and Ma Ma at Simei.
He was back at 1.20pm or so, after breakfast and trawling Simei and apparently trouncing someone or something at ZoneX and so he won some Animal Kaiser card. Gong Gong got him a flip book to keep his existing and new (3 in total) cards.
Lunch with the Angs at Royals' Cafe and he meets with a Primary 4 boy who show him his collection (YES, COLLECTION!) of cards.
Back for a nap and up again at 5.40pm for a quick spot of TV whilst everyone else snoozes.
Out for dinner at 7pm at Changi Village and he gets to ride the motorbike (one highlight of his Saturdays out) for 30 or so rounds until the uncle calls him in and hands in a lollipop. I'm not sure if the kids are there for the ride, or for the lollipops.. hmmmm..
Then we're off for a slow walk around Changi Point cos Daddy wanted to park far away where it's free.. cheapo.. but at least we got to shine our way around in the dark and get some fresh air..
Driving down the Coastal Road, we saw (and heard!) one plane take off and then it's onto the ECP where we pick Ma Ma up at Marine Parade... then it's homeward we go! 
We're finally home again at 10.10pm or so... and then the Golden Question...with the sweetest of voices and faces,
"Can I puh-leeese play Wii since it is Saturday and I haven't played today?"