Sunday, November 28, 2010

All I want for Christmas is....

My conversation with Gabriel 2 days ago...

G: Mummy, do you know what I want for Christmas?
M: Hmmm... I'm not sure.
G: Animal Kaiser, Metal fight, cars, trains and more di-di(s)!!
(giving me the biggest smile ever)

Hmmm... I'm don't think you're going to get all that you're wishing
for, Gabe. :)

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Observant Boy

Tonight, before Gabriel went to bed, he excited said in a half-whisper (to prevent getting scolded for waking the little one)... "Daddy, do you know that Toothless (from How You Train A Dragon) sleeps upside down hanging from a branch, just like a bat?"
I could only grin, then giggle with him as I realized how much he picks up from shows he watches over and over again. He's actually singing lines from "Finding Nemo" which he's watched probably a dozen times now, and soon he's going to be a fully fledged Dragon Trainer too.
Now, if only I could make him interested in some Math or Mandarin learning shows.. Does anyone have any experience in any? How about Quantum Physics and Mechanics? Or should I do Art and Culture? Hmmmm.. Business??


Today, as I opened the car door when we reached church for Mass, the bells were ringing signifying Mass was about to start in 5 minutes. Rafa looked up from his car seat and immediately said, "Amen!"

He has said "Amen" oftentimes during our Grace before meals and at bedtime prayers, but he is quite aware these days when we go to church.

Rafa also recognizes crosses and says "Amen" when he sees one..