Sunday, April 25, 2010

Gabriel and Numbers

Gabriel loves numbers.  He can count from 1 to 100 without any problem.  He often does it when he cannot sleep at night or when he cannot fall back asleep at 6 in the morning!
He especially loves the number 27.  The obsession with the number 27 stems from the fact that it is our house number and also the last 2 numbers of his mother's phone number, but he doesn't know that yet.. or does he?
He can pick out the number 27 in the strangest of places; on the GPS when I'm driving (speed), on a signboard, a block number, some article in the papers, on locker doors at CSC, and even like today, on the powerpoint slide of today's Gospel Reading. (Go check! It's John 10:27-30)
We're trying to teach him Addition and Subtraction slowly and he's getting it in his time.
Today, in the shower, just for fun, I asked him what the smallest 3 (digit) number was. He could immediately reply me, "Umm...One Hundred!". The smallest 2 (digit) number was met with the number 10 and the smallest 1 (digit) number with 1. So he clearly understands the concept of digits already.

To confirm my doubts, I asked him what the biggest 1 (digit) number was and he promptly replied 9. And the biggest 2 (digit) number, he coolly said 99.
Gabriel, Future Mathematician. I'm still waiting for him to stop counting to 5 when one hand's fingers are all up...

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